Spend Profile - £33.3 Million (20% increase)

Due to the nature of the services we provide, just under half of our expenditure relates to staffing costs. We continue to invest in ICT this year embedding Office 365 across all our workforce, this allow us to effectively work remotely and was a key enabler during the COVID-19 response. Primary Care network payment is the second largest area of spending. Contract and Locum staffing spend relates to both project management and GP expenditure. Non-pay items span across the normal categories.

Going Concern

The Board of Directors is required by company law to assess the Care Group's ability to remain trading for at least the next 12 months. The test for going concerned was undertaken and the Board's assessment shows that the Care Group can sustain the impact of significant prudent assumptions and continue to operate for a 20-month period up to and including March 2022. 


Financial Results

BDO, our External Auditors, have issued an unmodified audit opinion on the individual financial statements. They have confirmed that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the companies’ affairs and there are no issues to report in respect of going concerned. We were commended on our financial governance structures and will continue to ensure these processes grow with us in the years to come. 

A version of the full set of accounts is available at Companies House.

2020/2021 concluded another busy year for the Care Group as with many other sectors the pandemic has dramatically changed how services are being delivered. We embraced the move to remote consultations and pre-emptively moved services to offsite working where possible. We continued to deliver services ensuring we met our contractual duties and worked closely with commissioners where we had to amend service provision. 

The impact of the pandemic is far from over and the long terms effects are yet to be seen we however will continue to work with our services, practices, and partners to ensure we have a robust health care system in place. 

We will continue to focus on improving the quality of services we provide and, as contracts come up for re-procurement, we aim to be best placed to meet the service specifications within the financial envelope. In addition to this to ensure the continued financial viability of the Care Group the Board and the Executive Team will actively pursue new areas of income generation to help diversify and grow our organisation to support our primary care members.

GP Care Group - Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020/21