Are you a family with young children or a pregnant woman living in Tower Hamlets?
Tower Hamlets Council and University College London (UCL) are working together to understand the impact of Covid-19 on families with young children and pregnant women. Families in Tower Hamlets are wanted to participate in research, which will be used to help Tower Hamlets Council make plans to support families during and after the pandemic.
The study is about becoming and being a parent at this time, and how parents have coped with the pandemic while living in Tower Hamlets.
Tower Hamlets Director of Public Health Somen Banerjee said: "as we move through and past the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenge for us all is to ensure that we get the ongoing support right for our residents. The information provided by Families in Tower Hamlets will be critical in developing that understanding, and I'm delighted that London Borough of Tower Hamlets is a partner in this timely and valuable programme of research".
For more information about the survey click here
To take part in the survey click here