Many have badly managed asthma, with more than 20,000 admitted to hospital every year in England. Over 4% of these have such a severe episode that they are admitted to intensive care.
That’s why we want you to #AskAboutAsthma.
#AskAboutAsthma is an annual campaign led by NHS England – London Babies, Children and Young People’s Transformation team.
We want to help children and young people with asthma, and their families and carers, to understand how to manage their condition so they can live full lives, without missing out.
By raising awareness, we can help even more children and young people to ask about asthma and get the right care.
#AskAboutAsthma highlights the simple changes to children and young people’s care that will make a big difference to how they experience their asthma.
Here are four simple steps (or asks) that can help children and young people to manage their asthma:
Get an asthma action plan in place
A written asthma action plan drawn up between a healthcare professional and patient means you are four times less likely to have to go to hospital for your asthma.
Understand how to use inhalers correctly
Less than three-quarters of children and young people know how to use their inhaler. Poor inhaler technique means patients don’t get the full benefit of their asthma medication.
Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack
An asthma review by an appropriately trained clinician after every attack helps to work out what went wrong so you can adjust your asthma management plan as needed.
Consider air pollution and its impact on lung health
Indoor and outdoor air pollution can trigger your asthma. Thinking about air pollution as part of your asthma management can help reduce the risk of asthma attacks.
Resources for young people
Resources for parents and carers