For those who smoke, why not make No Smoking Day 2023 (8 March) the day you quit for good? The annual event gives smokers an opportunity to quit. Stopping smoking has many health benefits such as protecting one’s brain health and reducing one’s chances of dementia.
Support from local stop smoking services gives smokers the best chance of success, and GPs and pharmacists can also give advice and tips to help you quit. With support, smokers are up three times more likely to quit.
Resources available include the Quit Right Tower Hamlets service which offers free, local friendly advice on the best ways to quit, along with free nicotine replacement therapy such as e-cigarettes, vapes, gum or lozenges.
Other supporting resources include:
• NHS Quit Smoking app, daily emails and SMS; and
• information and advice on stop smoking aids, including how vaping can help you quit; and an online Personal Quit Plan tool that helps smokers find a combination of support that’s right for them.
Aside from the health benefits, quitting smoking can have financial benefits too. According to research, smokers are more likely to be living in disadvantaged circumstances, suffering most from the cost-of-living crisis, while mental distress has increased for smokers during the pandemic, making it more, not less, difficult to stop smoking (Today is the Day). On average smokers spend £47 a week on tobacco, that’s nearly £2,500 annually (ASH).
Why not make this the year you quit smoking for good?