Thanks to funding from the Tower Hamlets “Start for Life” programme, Toyhouse will be offering three Mellow Bumps courses across the year. The first course will be taking place on Monday 19 February, 1pm-3pm for mums-to-be due in April, May or June.
Made up of six weekly sessions, the course is designed to offer insight and support to pregnant women. It is especially targeted to people from vulnerable families. It uses a therapeutic group work strategy to build confidence in the mum-to-be and start positive attachment with their unborn baby.
Expectant mothers can register themselves. Please click the self-referral form in the resources section to download.
What to expect
Each of the six sessions will be two hours, 1pm-3pm and you can expect to join a small group of expecting mothers with two staff members who will lead you in activities and discussion about you, your baby and the future, in a safe, private and supportive environment.
An information leaflet is available in our resources section to download for any staff or partners to read more and guidance on making referrals.
Self-Referral Form
Information leaflet for Tower Hamlets staff