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Stop smoking support - Quit Right Tower Hamlets

Did you know that smokers are four times more likely to quit if they use a service like Quit Right Tower Hamlets?

Posted on: 25 July 2024

In recognition of Tower Hamlets’ consistently positive outcomes for smoking cessation, ranking significantly higher* than the London and England, Andrew Gwynne, the newly appointed Public Health Minister, visited Tower Hamlets Council’s stop smoking service. 

Watch a video summarising the Minister’s visit posted by the Department of Health and Social Care on social media

During the visit, Andrew Gwynne spoke to Tower Hamlets residents who have successfully quit with support from the service. He also spoke to staff about their work and observed in-person consultations. This included showcasing ‘swap to stop’, a government scheme providing smokers with a free vape starter kit to replace their usual cigarettes. 

The visit highlighted the importance of community stop smoking services for achieving the new government's smokefree ambition for England 2030. 

About the Quit Right Tower Hamlets service

The Quit Right Tower Hamlets service is based in Stepney Green. It provides those living, working or studying in Tower Hamlets with evidence-based support to quit, including patches, chewing gum, or e-cigarettes, as well as one-to-one support. 

In the last financial year, the service supported more than 1,500 people to quit smoking in Tower Hamlets.

How to refer someone?

Professionals can directly refer into the service through EMIS’s local services function when in consultation with patient to “QuitRight Smoking Cessation Service”.

You can also self-refer using this link.

For more information about the council’s stop smoking support services, including from local pharmacies, visit:


*Tower Hamlets ranks significantly higher than the London and England averages for residents setting a ‘quit date’ and the rate of achieving a four-week quit.