Calling all Carers! Did you know that there is a free online resource designed to support unpaid carers?
The resource gives free access to people providing unpaid care to family members, friends, neighbours, people in their communities, or anyone who needs caring for. It aims to support all unpaid carers with bite-size eLearning sessions and downloadable resources, including guidance on benefits and rights, and how to support those with specific conditions information on the stages of caring, and how to look after yourself as an unpaid carer. Specialist resources on topics such as infection prevention and end-of-life care require registration, but they are also free to access.
This resource has been developed by Health Education England eLearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) with Health Education England, Carers UK, and Agylia Care.
Click here to access the free online resource
As the resource has been available for one year, The Health Education England would like to gain feedback from carers on how useful they find it and to provide guidance on any eLearning sessions or downloadable resources which may be missing from the existing content.
You can share your feedback via the following survey. Click here
Click here to find out more about the online resource on the Health Education England website.