The Family Hub is a government initiative that provides families with a more connected service by offering a single access point to a range of services.
Partnering with the Family Hub means the Care Group can contribute to deliver the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Early Help Strategy. Services include:
Our 0-19 Service, which includes Health Visiting, Family Nurse Partnership, and the School Health & Wellbeing Service, already works closely with children and family centres and partner organisations.
Our collaboration with the Family Hub further formalises an agreement that outlines each party's anticipated roles and responsibilities.
Vision for Family Hubs
Tower Hamlets' vision is for Family Hubs to operate as a network of services including health, education, housing, the council, and the community and voluntary sector.
Partner agencies include the local authority, health, education, community and voluntary sector organisations.
We want every child, young person and family to feel included in their communities, that they are happy and healthy and can get the help they need to thrive and reach their potential.
We also want parents to feel supported and part of the community, so they can access the help they need without barriers.
This shared and integrated Early Help approach, will mean: