Children fall as they develop, and they should be encouraged within limits to push their boundaries while they play.
Falls from heights are another matter and can be serious.
With warm weather, windows might be left open in the hope of catching a breeze, so it is important that families are extra cautious to prevent falls.
Nationally, one child under the age of five is admitted to hospital every day after falling from a building. This happens from open windows and from balconies.
That’s why Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) has translated a “Free from falls” safety guide in Urdu, Polish, Punjabi, Bengali and Arabic to raise awareness more widely in throughout the community.
CAPT has also created tip sheets in multiple languages to offer guidance for keeping children safe around dogs.
Children don’t always know what actions might trigger pets to bite, so Dogs Trust education and community team has also organised a series of free webinars to help parents and carers better understand dog body language and what child behaviours can be unsafe around dogs.
Make sure you remain vigilant, so you’re able to protect their children at play and other innocuous activities.