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We Are Unbeatable! Helping people with health conditions to get active

Posted on: 3 September 2019

A new campaign from the UK's leading health and social care charities and Sport England, (with support from Public Health England) are encouraging people with health conditions to not be defeated by their ailments, but instead, to get active!


The new campaign, 'We Are Undefeatable', which launched on 2 September 2019, is offering support and inspiration to people with health conditions to get active, by sharing the lived experiences of people who navigate the ups and downs of their conditions alongside being active.


Why is the campaign needed?  


People with health conditions are twice as likely to be inactive. Over a third do less than 30 minutes of activity per week. Being physically active can help people manage long term conditions such as:


  • Depression and anxiety
  • Cognitive functioning impairment in dementia and Alzheimer's
  • Multiple sclerosis and other mobility-limiting conditions
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
  • Heart disease, stroke and other heart conditions
  • Breast, lung, prostate or bowel cancer
  • Arthritis and back pain
  • Types 1 and 2 diabetes
  • Asthma


The campaign will include TV, radio and internet advertising as well as promotion from health charities and other local and national bodies.


Physical activity helps people reduce anxiety and fatigue; improve self-confidence, self-esteem and general mood; and prevent additional conditions developing.


Find out more about the We Are Unbeatable Campaign