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Healthy eating and nutrition

Guidance and support around children's nutrition.

Starting solids

Babies should be introduced to solid food at about 6 months old. Please have a look at the Start4Life website for guidance about what food to offer.


Healthy Eating for 1-4 years old

Good nutrition in the early years can support children to develop long term healthy eating habits. The resources below provide some guidance around good food choices and age-appropriate portion sizes for young children.


Healthy Eating for 5 years old and over

The NHS Eat Well guide makes healthy eating easier to understand by giving a visual representation of the foods needed for a balanced diet.

Respecting customs and culture is very important when it comes to nutrition. Have a look at the following adapted Eatwell Guides which might correspond better with some of the food you are having at home: 



Does my child need supplements?

  • Children under the age of 4 years old should be given a supplement containing vitamins A, C, and D such as Healthy Start vitamins (children under 1 year do not need vitamins supplements, if they are drinking more than 500ml of formula a day). In Tower Hamlets you can collect free Healthy Start vitamins from one of our Children and Family Centres
  • All adults and children over the age of 4 years old should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of Vitamin D especially during autumn and winter. Visit the NHS webpage on Vitamin D for further information.


What about fussy eating?

Young children have a natural tendency to become choosy about the food they eat as they enter toddlerhood. This can be a frustrating and worrying time for parents. We have selected a list of resources to support your little one to be more adventurous around food. It is important to remember there is not a one size fits all solution and some strategies will work better with some children than others.