Established in 2017, the Patient Experience Team (PET) gather feedback from people of all backgrounds and abilities who receive health, social care and housing support services within Tower Hamlets and neighbouring boroughs. The team uses this information to better understand what is working well and to identify opportunities for potential improvements.
Through in-depth reviews of local experience, the Patient Experience Team captures real-life feedback, through home and group visits, as well as video or telephone calls, to make recommendations for cross-organisational and system improvements. The focus and recommendations of each piece of work is agreed upon and signed off by the local health and care system partnership, Tower Hamlets Together board.
In essence, our work is about hearing experiences and stories from both service users and the workforce to help understand issues around navigating support systems and pathways.
This also includes understanding the challenges of delivering support and bringing all this intelligence together to capture and share the learning and recommendations that emerge.
If you are interested in hearing more about our work or feel we could support you with feedback, please get in touch and we can discuss your needs.
Contact the team: